The most relevant and current news about Bounsel

bounsel marcos y pilar

The AI that declares war on email

Las Provincias

Google sube su apuesta por las startups valencianas

 Google ups the ante for Valencian startups and signs genetics firm ADNTRO

Las Provincias

jornada legaltech

ICAV highlights the impact of AI for the legal profession at the VI Legaltech FEBF Conference

Law & Trends

forbes -emprendedoras-min

Ten digital women entrepreneurs who inspire and drive the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Spain


Five companies from the Comunitat Valenciana, finalists of the EmprendeXXI Awards

Valencia Plaza

32 Startup

Bounsel among the 32 most successful start-ups in Valencia using AI

Startup Valencia

Plaza Podcast interview: future, startups and employment

Valencia Plaza

Startup news

Second edition of WomenTechEU supports 134 female-led deep-tech companies

European Commission

Bounsel among the finalists of the Challenges Phase of the 16th edition of the EmprendeXXI Awards

Day One

La Noche entrevista

Pilar Prados interviewed for the Intellectual Property Day

La Noche Cope

15 startup innovadoras

Bounsel one of the 15 Innovative Startups Changing the Game in Spain

EU Startup News

innovadores-plaza 2-min

Pilar Prados and Marcos Sanz as examples of great Valencian founders in recent years!

Valencia Plaza

ideas-de-negocio-paa-montar-ya-min 1-min

100 business ideas to start now


Google for startups

Bounsel among the 12 startups that have been part of the Secret Santa project.

Google for StartUps

emprendedora-Pilar-Prados 1-min

Pilar Prados among the top 10 most successful women entrepreneurs



The impact of AI on legal technology



Valencia positions itself as the new technology center in Spain


Bounsel 6

Bounsel, project of the month in Innova.Legal



Women’s Day Demium + Startup Valencia

El Periódic

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Bounsel receives € 325,000 from CDTI’s Neotec 2021 program

El Referente

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València Activa gathers 200 women for the Day of the Entrepreneurial Woman

El Periòdic


Bounsel in the Growth Academy for Google for Startups

Merca 2.0


Bounsel in the Legal Geek Startup Map

Legal Geek

Schermata 2023-04-13 alle 11.38 1-min

Interview of e-Start by FUE

Fundación Universidad-Empresa

Schermata 2023-04-13 alle 11.45 1-min

Bounsel on the Valencia Cooperation and Innovation Map


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Mutualidad Abogacía interviews our CEO, Pilar Prados

Fundación Mutualidad Abogacía

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Pilar Prados, among the leading women in start-up companies in Valencia

La Vanguardia

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Bounsel, innovative business idea


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Pilar Prados and Marcos Sanz at The Technolawgist

The Technolawgist

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How does Bounsel revolutionize document management?

Valencia Plaza