Aubrey Caster has been with us for the past few months. Our member is a native of Tennessee, USA. He is a journalism student, but has also studied electronic media and business administration.
This was his first time in Europe, and he considers it a special opportunity to do an internship abroad. He has a passion for media and video production, which is why he was eager to put his talents and ideas to work as a Marketing Trainee at Bounsel.
Outside his professional life, he considers himself a sociable, energetic and outgoing person. He loves going out with friends, trying new foods, reading and travelling. He always tells us that the food in Valencia is delicious and he is delighted to have had the chance to try it. What he likes most is paella (and who doesn’t? 😋). In fact, the first week he was in the city he went to classes to learn how to cook them: an experience he loved.
Although he loves the United States, he says Spain is a country that takes your breath away: from its complex architecture to the incredible climate and people. It is a city you can easily call ‘home’. He says he has fallen in love with the centre of the capital of the terreta and the old town. He has learned a lot about the history of Valencia. He is also having a great time in the city: he has been to the best clubs and he thinks the beach is really beautiful.
He came with the purpose of making more friends and gaining experience at Bounsel, as well as learning a lot about marketing (how to communicate with a startup’s audience, how to make graphics, improve your writing skills, etc.). And, of course, he would love to form great relationships with his co-workers.
We believe he has succeeded, and we hope he has!
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