On 21 June, a conference was held between entrepreneurs and professionals from the legal sector at the Valencia Bar Association (ICAV). 

The event called “Technology as an ally for the digital transformation of your law firm” is an initiative born within the framework of Startup Valencia’s LegalTech Hub. Its purpose was to be the meeting point where both entrepreneurs and lawyers could address issues related to digital transformation in the legal sector. 

The first round table focused on innovation within the legal sector, what are the keys for more law firms to start betting for technological solutions and how large firms have experienced the adaptation to change. 

Startup Valencia's Legaltech Hub brings technology closer to lawyers

The moderator in charge was Álvaro Orts of Orts Consultores, and the members were Iga Kuroswka of Aktion Legal, Luis Gosalbez of Metricson and  Bernat Bonet of Bonet & Rubio

The second panel focused on the practical explanation of some legaltech solutions that are available on the market today and that all law firms can implement to save time and improve productivity. 

Pilar Prados from Bounsel, Kryzstof Szypillo from QueryLayer, Beatriz Turumbay from CodeContract, and as moderator, Lucia Carrau from Innova.Legal participated in this debate. 

At the end, we had the opportunity to showcase our new Bounsel Flow functionality. to all attendees. We are very happy to further develop our product to facilitate the daily work of lawyers. 

Startup Valencia's Legaltech Hub brings technology closer to lawyers