The Legal Hackers Conference on “Legaltech and programming for lawyers”, organised by the Legaltech Lab of the Universitat de València together with Legal Hackers Valencia and Bounsel, has been held this month.

In the last session, which took place on Friday 14 May, Marcos Sanz and I gave the “Introduction to programming for lawyers workshop”, a workshop on programming and non-code tools for law students and graduates.

The event took place in the ADEIT space and was very well received by the attendees, who did not stop participating and asking questions.

Marcos started the talk with an explanation of the basic elements of programming and computational thinking. In addition, a problem of navigation in space was posed, a 2D problem that the participants ended up solving together.

I then went on to introduce event-driven programming and explain how it is present in many of the applications we use every day. Zapier is a non-code tool that revolves around this concept, and that we can use to develop our own automations. Those present followed an example with this tool to create a Google Docs document automatically from a Google Forms form.

Finally, we ended with a question and answer session that highlighted the attendees’ interest in incorporating automations and tools into their workflows to maximise their productivity. In addition, we had an interesting discussion on the fruits of the use of the latest IT developments in law.

At Bounsel we are committed to the new generations, we work to bring knowledge and technological skills to young students. If you want to know what we do to get involved with our environment, visit our impact page.