These days you may have noticed a change in the Bounsel logo. Like many companies around the world, we want to show our support for the LGTBI+ community during Pride month and, as a gesture of this, we have incorporated the rainbow flag into all our social media logos.

The rainbow flag has been a symbol of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and other identities (LGTBI+) pride since 1978. Therefore, in line with our company values and as part of our public support for equality, we have included these colours in our brand image.

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) produces annual reports that LGTBI+ discrimination in the workplace continues to be a reality that affects people in the European Union and around the world. Also, the annual LGTBI update by the ILGA-Europe group is rather bleak regarding the situation of queer people in Europe, although a slow improvement is expected.

The celebration of Pride during the month of June is a tradition that began in the United States to commemorate the Stonewall riots of June 1969 and should be seen as a period of reflection for companies to start implementing changes that go beyond one month of the year. This should not remain just a rainbow-washing opportunity, but should become a springboard to push us towards more relevant and lasting policies.

What are we doing?

Since Bounsel was born, we have developed and followed an “Equality Plan” presented in the Valencian Community and in which we show our commitment to equality in recruitment processes, non-discriminatory practices and the promotion of inclusion in general.

We work hard to create a balanced working environment where the whole team feels welcome and safe.

We create impact and we take it seriously.. In fact, you can read on our impact page about our social, economic and environmental commitment, as well as our participation in the Pledge 1% movement. We have always strived to do our bit to address difficult situations that impact on our society and, as part of this process, we have joined the United Nations Global Compact (which explicitly supports the elimination of all forms of discrimination in terms of employment, among other things).

What are we going to work on?

Nuestro equipo quiere pensar un poco más allá del mes del Our team wants to think beyond Pride month and continue to create opportunities for underrepresented communities to work in an inclusive environment that allows for as many conversations and perspectives as possible. It is very important for Bounsel to be aware of the prejudices that still exist today and to give more visibility to the diverse experiences present in the legal context and in our society in general.

We are working on Community Guidelines that explicitly prohibit discrimination of any kind. At Bounsel we treat everyone with dignity and respect. We want to listen, learn and empathise with all members of our community to offer our full support and ensure a culture of diversity and inclusion.

Start small, think big

Many startups and early-stage companies may find it difficult to express their true commitment and support for non-cis-heteronormative communities. This is because these companies usually have small teams and small budgets, which limits their ability to carry out large actions and generate real social impact.

However, there are many ways in which small businesses can contribute and add to the cause in a meaningful way. It is important to create and foster a positive and inclusive workspace for every member of the team. A place based on respect, collaboration and togetherness. A place where open conversations can be held on issues that are fundamental to the evolution and progress not only of business, but of society as a whole. It is essential to use the correct terminology on gender identity and expression and sexual orientation to build a culture based on diversity, because diversity enriches, promotes creativity and innovation within the organisation, thus allowing to encourage and empathise with different experiences and ideas.

With all this, before finishing, we would like to share with you small gestures with which we can show our support for diversity:

  • Write and speak in a non-discriminatory way.
  • Supporting local communities.
  • Share relevant content.

Let’s feel the Pride, not only during the month of June, but every day of the year. Let’s be proud!