In this experience, I have had a very positive assessment overall. It has been an opportunity to expand my knowledge in written and spoken Spanish, especially in the digital field, which is my field of study, as well as in other areas of work.
My greatest satisfaction comes from the professional sphere, where I have learned various skills and improved my technical editing abilities. I have also gained experience in writing for a specific audience. Overall, I have gained an understanding of how the working world works, including accountability, deadlines and teamwork.
Although this is not my area of expertise, that of programming or software development Startups, I found that I was able to contribute significantly to the company’s goals, despite having no previous skills or interest in that field.
One of the topics that intrigued me the most was artificial intelligence. Being in an innovative and up-to-date company with the latest digital trends, I was able to appreciate the power of this new player in our society. Although at times I felt some trepidation at the potential of this technology, I also experienced awe and curiosity to see how far we will go with technological progress.
The best thing about this experience was that I never got bored while learning all these things. Every day was different and every morning I had new tasks to tackle, which was rewarding and stimulating.
However, I admit that it was difficult and sometimes I would think about what it would have been like to enjoy my Erasmus months by traveling more and going out in the evenings instead of spending my days in an office. I would watch the wonderful sunny days in Valencia from my desk window. However, I’m glad I didn’t fit the stereotype of someone who goes on Erasmus just for fun without doing much else.
This year of Erasmus and my experience at Bounsel have left me with a valuable background. I have developed a sense of responsibility, personal growth, maturity and the ability to prioritize properly in my life.