Our CEO, Pilar Prados, has participated in the debate “The World to Come”, on the importance of innovation and technology in the legal sector.
Today we find ourselves in a society of accelerated transformation and incorporation of technology, that is to say, we are in an ideal moment for it to take hold, speeding up and improving work, while achieving greater user/customer satisfaction. Technology and innovation must be understood as part of the job. Incorporating innovative elements allows for more efficient and less costly work, approaching a wider range of opportunities in order to be closer to the customer.
“The World to Come” is a monthly meeting point for all types of companies. This time the legal sector of the future will come into question. This is a new area where technology is applied to the provision of legal services with the aim of improvement. This debate features the participation of our Bounsel founder, Pilar Prados, where she proposes the creation of contracts in a more connected, smarter and more humane way.
Below, you can watch the full video of the Debate “The World to Come”, organised by BStartup of Banco Sabadell and Startup Valencia (Valencian Association of Startups).
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