The Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles (IEB) has launched the Curso Superior Online en Legaltech, developed during the months of June and July and where our founders, Pilar Prados and Marcos Sanz, have been speakers.

As is the case in many sectors, the legal world is undergoing changes that are driving it towards digital transformation. More and more new technologies and methodologies are being applied in this area, leaving traditional working models in the legal sector behind.

This is one of the main reasons why the IEB has launched the Curso Superior en Legaltech, an online learning programme aimed at both students and professionals in the legal field with an interest in fostering their skills in the technological field and in their personal work, in order to adapt to the changes of this new era.

To develop this course, the IEB has counted on our CEO, Pilar Prados, and our CTO, Marcos Sanz, who have taught one of the sessions that make up the programme and have guided the students in the acquisition of technological skills.

During the session, which took place on 17 June, Bounsel’s founders introduced participants to the importance of technology for lawyers and the legal sector in general, as well as basic principles of non-code programming and automation. All of this was supported by examples that made the webinar more enjoyable and dynamic. Afterwards, they ended with a round of questions in which the students were able to resolve all their doubts.

It is a joy that our founders are able to help young people improve their technology skills and enter the world of legaltech. With the aim, not only to improve on a personal level, but also to be able to create solutions such as Bounsel, which unite technology with the legal field and facilitate the work of many professionals.