We just released Bounsel Flow (beta). Say goodbye to paperwork. Create documents was never so easy. Discover the fastest, most human and fun way to create documents without making mistakes.

Enough of copy-paste. Welcome to Bounsel Flow!


🚀 What’s new:

• Upload a Google Docs or Microsoft Word document to create a new template.
• Tag and categorize your templates to easily organize your documents.
• Auto-detect the variables you want to fill in from a .doc or .docx template to rapidly create a flow.
• Transform the variables into questions in a visual and dynamic way to create an engaging conversational form.
• Create a flow with the following card types: welcome, text, long text, URL, number, date, password, email, phone and section break.
• Publish your flow and share it with one click.
• Share your flow with a private link so that only you can generate a document.
• Share your flow with a public link so that anyone can generate a document.
• Receive the document completed automatically in your workspace with all the variables filled in as if by magic.
• Download the document in docx or PDF from your workspace.
• Check document key data at a glance to not miss important information.
• Have your workspace always updated in real-time to manage your documents with no stress.
• Search by name in drive to easily find your documents.
• Upload a PDF document to your workspace to store it in the cloud and have everything under control.
• … and many more cool things!


Draft your documents with Bounsel Flow in seconds

Say goodbye to manual processes and start automating your document management.

Bounsel Flow Builder