We are thrilled to announce our new Add-on: Bounsel AI. It is designed to streamline and simplify your document review workflow. Here’s what you can expect:

Effortless Flow question creation: Say goodbye to the manual process of creating flow questions for your uploaded templates. With just one click, Bounsel AI now utilizes advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) to automatically generate flow questions tailored to your documents.

Automatic executive summaries: We understand the importance of quickly grasping the key points of a document. Bounsel AI has the capability to automatically generate executive summaries of your documents. These summaries are concise, easy to understand, and provide a snapshot of the most crucial information, allowing you to make informed decisions faster.

Q&A assistant for rapid reviews: Need answers or clarifications while reviewing a document? Our Q&A assistant is here to assist you. You can now ask questions about any document directly within the platform. Whether you require clarification on specific clauses, terms, or provisions, our Q&A assistant is your trusted companion to expedite the review process.

These new functionalities are designed to empower you with greater efficiency and accuracy in your contract review tasks. Bounsel AI is the perfect tool to make your document review experience more seamless and productive. Try out these features today and experience the future of contract review!

Learn more about how you can use AI in your contract management process here.

Draft your documents with Bounsel Flow in seconds

Say goodbye to manual processes and start automating your document management.

Bounsel Flow Builder