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Uelz improves their signing process by 80% with Bounsel Sign

Discover how Uelz has managed to optimize the company’s entire document management and signing process, saving time and effort for its operations team.

contract management software

Uelz is a successful billing platform that allows any company to manage and automate the collections of its users easily, safely and without the need for technical knowledge. They help B2B companies so that they can offer different payment methods to their clients, integrating any recurring collection flow, whether fixed or variable, so that at all times you have clarity about your income, information about whether the payment has been successful or if it has failed and where they come from.

Thanks to Bounsel Uelz has managed to optimize the company’s entire document management and signing process by 80%, saving time and effort for its operations team. As? Very easy! Automating the creation of your documents and using Bounsel Sign to speed up the digital signature process.

We spoke with Xandra Etxabe, Co-Founder and COO of Uelz, who tells us how Bounsel Flow has helped her optimize her document management and electronic signing process.

Before learning about Bounsel Flow, the process of creating and signing commercial contracts for her at Uelz was tedious and very slow. Contracts were closed with long email chains, where clients had to fill out documents, send them for review, and then send them back for signature. It was a process that, according to Xandra, “was even lazy to do.”

However, everything changed radically when Uelz adopted Bounsel Flow and Bounsel Sign. Xandra began using Bounsel Flow in three key aspects of her business operations: with investors, employees, and customers. With employees, she made it easier for them to sign employment contracts and other employment documents. With clients, she now creates dynamic commercial contracts that include agreements and addendums, all from a single platform. Xandra tells us that it is a much clearer workflow for her because she can see the status of each document and much more flexible and even “fun” for them.

Before Bounsel, they managed between 10 and 25 documents a month, and the document management process was cumbersome and slow. Now, with Bounsel, efficiency has skyrocketed. Xandra estimates that time spent on contract management has been reduced by 80%. Previously, she spent an average of 30 minutes on each contract, but now, with Bounsel Flow, she only needs 5 minutes, according to Xandra, “it is a much faster, clearer and user friendly process.” Bounsel Flow has allowed her to free up more than an entire day of your workday for tasks that add greater value to the business.

bounsel employee

¨Time spent on contract management has been reduced by 80%. Previously, I spent an average of 30 minutes on each contract, but now with Bounsel Flow, I only need 5 minutes.¨

Xandra Etxabe, CoFounder & COO en Uelz

Bounsel’s impact on Uelz was immediate. From the first day of use, Xandra saw tangible results in terms of efficiency and customer satisfaction. Bounsel Flow has helped increase their productivity and even client lawyers appreciated the originality of Bounsel Flow and expressed their satisfaction.

The time spent in the signing process has also been significantly shortened with Bounsel Sign. Previously, documents were sent in PDF format that customers had to print, sign by hand, scan and return. Now, Xandra can easily create organizations and send documents for electronic signature in a much more agile and simplified way.

What Xandra appreciates most in the solution is the possibility of completely customizing the flow, being able to structure it the way she wants, so that the process of completing it is more enjoyable for her clients. She tells us that the learning curve for Bounsel Flow is very short and that in less than 1 day she already knew how to use it because it is truly a very simple and intuitive work tool.

The use of Bounsel Flow and Bounsel Sign has had a very notable impact on Uelz. It has increased efficiency, reduced time costs and improved customer satisfaction. Xandra does not hesitate to recommend our tool to other companies in similar situations, mainly when they have to repeatedly sign contracts with clients.

Thanks to Bounsel, Uelz has undergone a transformation with very positive results in the management of documents and contracts and when we ask Xandra how she would feel if she now had to return to her previous way of working with documents, she answers us emphatically:

“A little frustrated, and I would be too lazy to have to go back to what I did before and explain everything to them, where they have to sign… It would be really frustrating.”

Ready to manage your contracts without stress?